Hello, could you help me with ESX c-vehicleshop, I want the price to be displayed when viewing the vehicles in the store before buying them, the config.lua code where the vehicles are added and the price is edited is as follows
Config = {}
Config.Main = {
['Conce'] = {
pos = vector3(-50.5263, -1091.92, 26.422),
distance = 0.5,
text = {msg = 'Presiona ~r~[E]~w~ para acceder el menu', pos = vector3(-50.5263, -1091.92, 26.422)},
vehiclepos = vector4(-47.4642, -1095.77, 26.422, 100.0),
testdrivepos = vector3(-1455.43, -3042.65, 13.944),
timeTest = 0.10 -- minutos
Config.Shop = {
['Cars'] = {
{label = 'Raptor', name = 'raptor', price = 15000000},
{label = 'T20', name = 't20', price = 2000000},
{label = 'Cheetah', name = 'cheetah', price = 20000000},
{label = 'visione', name = 'visione', price = 5000000}
Here I think something should go to show the price, I would appreciate your help people, sorry my bad inglish
Config.Blips = {
{title = "Concesionario central", colour = 5, id = 225, x = -42.9113, y = -1098.67, z = 26.422},
Locale = {
['max_dist'] = '~r~Te has alejado del lugar ',
['stop_observing'] = 'Dejaste de observar el ~g~vehículo~w~'