ESX Overextended Inventory for ESX Legacy ( Best Inventory FiveM )

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Jr Member I
Oct 15, 2022
bruce wilson


L’inventaire a été conçu avec l’intention de passer à une structure plus générique / autonome afin qu’il puisse être intégré dans n’importe quel framework sans tracas, mais c’est pour une future mise à jour.

Officiellement pris en charge par ESX Legacy sans aucune modification à partir de ce commit.



Crée différents magasins pour 24/7, Ammunation, magasins d’alcool, distributeurs automatiques, etc.
Magasins à emploi restreint, comme un manège militaire de la police.
Les articles peuvent être limités à des grades d’emploi et à des licences spécifiques.
Définissez le prix de chaque article, et autorisez même différentes devises (argent noir, jetons de poker, etc.).​


Données d’élément génériques partagées entre des objets.
Données spécifiques stockées par emplacement, avec des métadonnées pour contenir des informations personnalisées.
Armes, accessoires et durabilité.
L’utilisation flexible des éléments permet des barres de progression, des rappels de serveur et des annulations avec des fonctions et des exportations simples.
Prise en charge des éléments enregistrés auprès d’ESX.​


La sécurité côté serveur empêche l’accès arbitraire à toute cache.
Supportez les caches personnelles, pouvant être ouvertes avec différents identifiants.
Des caches à emploi restreint ainsi qu’un casier à preuves de la police.
Les exportations de serveur permettent l’enregistrement des caches de n’importe quelle ressource (voir ici).
Accédez aux petites cachettes via des conteneurs, tels que des sacs en papier, à partir de l’utilisation d’un article.
Boîtes à gants et coffres de véhicules, pour les propriétaires et les non-propriétaires.​

Caches temporaires​

Bennes à ordures, chutes et véhicules non-joueurs.
Les tables de butin permettent aux utilisateurs de trouver des objets aléatoires dans des bennes à ordures et des véhicules non possédés.​

Plus d’informations, de dépendances et d’instructions d’installation fournies dans la documentation.​

Faites-nous savoir si des informations sont manquantes ou manquantes.​

[Contenu caché]

Développé par​

Remerciements spéciaux​

@ohitsjudd vitrine vidéo
@Leah_UK format de données de boutique amélioré, intégration qtarget
@Noms génération initiale de déchets et qtarget
@Dolu des commentaires exceptionnels et des tests de bogues​


Jr Member I
Oct 20, 2022


The inventory was designed with the intention to move towards a more generic / standalone structure so it can be integrated into any framework without hassle, but that’s for a future update.

Officially supported by ESX Legacy without any modifications as of this commit.



Creates different shops for 24/7, Ammunation, Liquor Stores, Vending Machines, etc.
Job restricted shops, such as a Police Armoury.
Items can be restricted to specific job grades and licenses.
Define the price for each item, and even allow different currency (black money, poker chips, etc).​


Generic item data shared between objects.
Specific data stored per-slot, with metadata to hold custom information.
Weapons, attachments, and durability.
Flexible item use allows for progress bars, server callbacks, and cancellation with simple functions and exports.
Support for items registered with ESX.​


Server-side security prevents arbitrary access to any stash.
Support personal stashes, able to be opened with different identifiers.
Job-restricted stashes as well as a police evidence locker.
Server exports allow for registration of stashes from any resource (see here).
Access small stashes via containers, such as paperbags, from using an item.
Vehicle gloveboxes and trunks, for both owned and unowned.​

Temporary stashes​

Dumpsters, drops, and non-player vehicles.
Loot tables allow users to find random items in dumpsters and unowned vehicles.​

More information, dependencies, and installation instructions provided in the documentation.​

Let us know if information is missing or lacking.​

[Hidden content]

Developed by​

Special thanks​

@ohitsjudd video showcase
@Leah_UK improved shop data format, qtarget integration
@Noms initial garbage generation and qtarget
@Dolu exceptional feedback and bug testing​


Jr Member I
Oct 19, 2022


The inventory was designed with the intention to move towards a more generic / standalone structure so it can be integrated into any framework without hassle, but that’s for a future update.

Officially supported by ESX Legacy without any modifications as of this commit.



Creates different shops for 24/7, Ammunation, Liquor Stores, Vending Machines, etc.
Job restricted shops, such as a Police Armoury.
Items can be restricted to specific job grades and licenses.
Define the price for each item, and even allow different currency (black money, poker chips, etc).​


Generic item data shared between objects.
Specific data stored per-slot, with metadata to hold custom information.
Weapons, attachments, and durability.
Flexible item use allows for progress bars, server callbacks, and cancellation with simple functions and exports.
Support for items registered with ESX.​


Server-side security prevents arbitrary access to any stash.
Support personal stashes, able to be opened with different identifiers.
Job-restricted stashes as well as a police evidence locker.
Server exports allow for registration of stashes from any resource (see here).
Access small stashes via containers, such as paperbags, from using an item.
Vehicle gloveboxes and trunks, for both owned and unowned.​

Temporary stashes​

Dumpsters, drops, and non-player vehicles.
Loot tables allow users to find random items in dumpsters and unowned vehicles.​

More information, dependencies, and installation instructions provided in the documentation.​

Let us know if information is missing or lacking.​

[Hidden content]

Developed by​

Special thanks​

@ohitsjudd video showcase
@Leah_UK improved shop data format, qtarget integration
@Noms initial garbage generation and qtarget
@Dolu exceptional feedback and bug testing​
  • Like
Reactions: david


Jr Member I
Apr 29, 2022


The inventory was designed with the intention to move towards a more generic / standalone structure so it can be integrated into any framework without hassle, but that’s for a future update.

Officially supported by ESX Legacy without any modifications as of this commit.



Creates different shops for 24/7, Ammunation, Liquor Stores, Vending Machines, etc.
Job restricted shops, such as a Police Armoury.
Items can be restricted to specific job grades and licenses.
Define the price for each item, and even allow different currency (black money, poker chips, etc).​


Generic item data shared between objects.
Specific data stored per-slot, with metadata to hold custom information.
Weapons, attachments, and durability.
Flexible item use allows for progress bars, server callbacks, and cancellation with simple functions and exports.
Support for items registered with ESX.​


Server-side security prevents arbitrary access to any stash.
Support personal stashes, able to be opened with different identifiers.
Job-restricted stashes as well as a police evidence locker.
Server exports allow for registration of stashes from any resource (see here).
Access small stashes via containers, such as paperbags, from using an item.
Vehicle gloveboxes and trunks, for both owned and unowned.​

Temporary stashes​

Dumpsters, drops, and non-player vehicles.
Loot tables allow users to find random items in dumpsters and unowned vehicles.​

More information, dependencies, and installation instructions provided in the documentation.​

Let us know if information is missing or lacking.​

[Hidden content]

Developed by​

Special thanks​

@ohitsjudd video showcase
@Leah_UK improved shop data format, qtarget integration
@Noms initial garbage generation and qtarget
@Dolu exceptional feedback and bug testing​


Jr Member I
Jun 6, 2022


The inventory was designed with the intention to move towards a more generic / standalone structure so it can be integrated into any framework without hassle, but that’s for a future update.

Officially supported by ESX Legacy without any modifications as of this commit.



Creates different shops for 24/7, Ammunation, Liquor Stores, Vending Machines, etc.
Job restricted shops, such as a Police Armoury.
Items can be restricted to specific job grades and licenses.
Define the price for each item, and even allow different currency (black money, poker chips, etc).​


Generic item data shared between objects.
Specific data stored per-slot, with metadata to hold custom information.
Weapons, attachments, and durability.
Flexible item use allows for progress bars, server callbacks, and cancellation with simple functions and exports.
Support for items registered with ESX.​


Server-side security prevents arbitrary access to any stash.
Support personal stashes, able to be opened with different identifiers.
Job-restricted stashes as well as a police evidence locker.
Server exports allow for registration of stashes from any resource (see here).
Access small stashes via containers, such as paperbags, from using an item.
Vehicle gloveboxes and trunks, for both owned and unowned.​

Temporary stashes​

Dumpsters, drops, and non-player vehicles.
Loot tables allow users to find random items in dumpsters and unowned vehicles.​

More information, dependencies, and installation instructions provided in the documentation.​

Let us know if information is missing or lacking.​

[Hidden content]

Developed by​

Special thanks​

@ohitsjudd video showcase
@Leah_UK improved shop data format, qtarget integration
@Noms initial garbage generation and qtarget
@Dolu exceptional feedback and bug testing​
  • Like
Reactions: ninnipro


Jr Member I
Oct 15, 2022


The inventory was designed with the intention to move towards a more generic / standalone structure so it can be integrated into any framework without hassle, but that’s for a future update.

Officially supported by ESX Legacy without any modifications as of this commit.



Creates different shops for 24/7, Ammunation, Liquor Stores, Vending Machines, etc.
Job restricted shops, such as a Police Armoury.
Items can be restricted to specific job grades and licenses.
Define the price for each item, and even allow different currency (black money, poker chips, etc).​


Generic item data shared between objects.
Specific data stored per-slot, with metadata to hold custom information.
Weapons, attachments, and durability.
Flexible item use allows for progress bars, server callbacks, and cancellation with simple functions and exports.
Support for items registered with ESX.​


Server-side security prevents arbitrary access to any stash.
Support personal stashes, able to be opened with different identifiers.
Job-restricted stashes as well as a police evidence locker.
Server exports allow for registration of stashes from any resource (see here).
Access small stashes via containers, such as paperbags, from using an item.
Vehicle gloveboxes and trunks, for both owned and unowned.​

Temporary stashes​

Dumpsters, drops, and non-player vehicles.
Loot tables allow users to find random items in dumpsters and unowned vehicles.​

More information, dependencies, and installation instructions provided in the documentation.​

Let us know if information is missing or lacking.​

[Hidden content]

Developed by​

Special thanks​

@ohitsjudd video showcase
@Leah_UK improved shop data format, qtarget integration
@Noms initial garbage generation and qtarget
@Dolu exceptional feedback and bug testing​


Jr Member I
Aug 30, 2022


The inventory was designed with the intention to move towards a more generic / standalone structure so it can be integrated into any framework without hassle, but that’s for a future update.

Officially supported by ESX Legacy without any modifications as of this commit.



Creates different shops for 24/7, Ammunation, Liquor Stores, Vending Machines, etc.
Job restricted shops, such as a Police Armoury.
Items can be restricted to specific job grades and licenses.
Define the price for each item, and even allow different currency (black money, poker chips, etc).​


Generic item data shared between objects.
Specific data stored per-slot, with metadata to hold custom information.
Weapons, attachments, and durability.
Flexible item use allows for progress bars, server callbacks, and cancellation with simple functions and exports.
Support for items registered with ESX.​


Server-side security prevents arbitrary access to any stash.
Support personal stashes, able to be opened with different identifiers.
Job-restricted stashes as well as a police evidence locker.
Server exports allow for registration of stashes from any resource (see here).
Access small stashes via containers, such as paperbags, from using an item.
Vehicle gloveboxes and trunks, for both owned and unowned.​

Temporary stashes​

Dumpsters, drops, and non-player vehicles.
Loot tables allow users to find random items in dumpsters and unowned vehicles.​

More information, dependencies, and installation instructions provided in the documentation.​

Let us know if information is missing or lacking.​

[Hidden content]

Developed by​

Special thanks​

@ohitsjudd video showcase
@Leah_UK improved shop data format, qtarget integration
@Noms initial garbage generation and qtarget
@Dolu exceptional feedback and bug testing​


Jr Member I
Apr 19, 2022


The inventory was designed with the intention to move towards a more generic / standalone structure so it can be integrated into any framework without hassle, but that’s for a future update.

Officially supported by ESX Legacy without any modifications as of this commit.



Creates different shops for 24/7, Ammunation, Liquor Stores, Vending Machines, etc.
Job restricted shops, such as a Police Armoury.
Items can be restricted to specific job grades and licenses.
Define the price for each item, and even allow different currency (black money, poker chips, etc).​


Generic item data shared between objects.
Specific data stored per-slot, with metadata to hold custom information.
Weapons, attachments, and durability.
Flexible item use allows for progress bars, server callbacks, and cancellation with simple functions and exports.
Support for items registered with ESX.​


Server-side security prevents arbitrary access to any stash.
Support personal stashes, able to be opened with different identifiers.
Job-restricted stashes as well as a police evidence locker.
Server exports allow for registration of stashes from any resource (see here).
Access small stashes via containers, such as paperbags, from using an item.
Vehicle gloveboxes and trunks, for both owned and unowned.​

Temporary stashes​

Dumpsters, drops, and non-player vehicles.
Loot tables allow users to find random items in dumpsters and unowned vehicles.​

More information, dependencies, and installation instructions provided in the documentation.​

Let us know if information is missing or lacking.​

[Hidden content]

Developed by​

Special thanks​

@ohitsjudd video showcase
@Leah_UK improved shop data format, qtarget integration
@Noms initial garbage generation and qtarget
@Dolu exceptional feedback and bug testing​
thx 4 sharing this.


Jr Member I
Dec 30, 2022


The inventory was designed with the intention to move towards a more generic / standalone structure so it can be integrated into any framework without hassle, but that’s for a future update.

Officially supported by ESX Legacy without any modifications as of this commit.



Creates different shops for 24/7, Ammunation, Liquor Stores, Vending Machines, etc.
Job restricted shops, such as a Police Armoury.
Items can be restricted to specific job grades and licenses.
Define the price for each item, and even allow different currency (black money, poker chips, etc).​


Generic item data shared between objects.
Specific data stored per-slot, with metadata to hold custom information.
Weapons, attachments, and durability.
Flexible item use allows for progress bars, server callbacks, and cancellation with simple functions and exports.
Support for items registered with ESX.​


Server-side security prevents arbitrary access to any stash.
Support personal stashes, able to be opened with different identifiers.
Job-restricted stashes as well as a police evidence locker.
Server exports allow for registration of stashes from any resource (see here).
Access small stashes via containers, such as paperbags, from using an item.
Vehicle gloveboxes and trunks, for both owned and unowned.​

Temporary stashes​

Dumpsters, drops, and non-player vehicles.
Loot tables allow users to find random items in dumpsters and unowned vehicles.​

More information, dependencies, and installation instructions provided in the documentation.​

Let us know if information is missing or lacking.​

[Hidden content]

Developed by​

Special thanks​

@ohitsjudd video showcase
@Leah_UK improved shop data format, qtarget integration
@Noms initial garbage generation and qtarget
@Dolu exceptional feedback and bug testing​
merci mon frr
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